Eagle Sprint
2nd August 2025

A socially-minded standard of behaviour is expected from everyone within the motorsport community. By participating in a Motorsport UK event in any capacity you agree to follow the values of the Respect Code:
The Values
• Respect • Fair play • Integrity • Good Manners • Self-Control
I pledge to #RaceWithRespect and:
- Contribute to a welcoming and friendly environment that ensures the safety and welfare of all participants.
- Always behave with integrity and uphold fairness in the sport; play my part in keeping the sport safety through your actions
- Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their gender, ethnic or social background, language, religious or other beliefs, disability, sexual identity or other status
- Recognise that we all represent the sport and therefore have a duty to be polite and respectful to all staff, officials, fellow competitors volunteers, as well as fans and supporters
- Respect the rules, regulations and authority of the officials and Motorsport UK
Any breach of these obligations may result in disciplinary action.